8 Walking Aids to Help You Stay Mobile

Monday, February 27th, 2023, 12:19 pm , Posted by MED +

Mobility is important for Canadians to stay healthy and active. However, there are life and health events that affect your ability to get around. As we get older, get injured, or recover from medical procedures, we often need a little help to get around. The type of assistance you needs can vary. The good thing is there are many types of mobility aids you can use.
Here are 8 different types of walking aids you can use to help you stay mobile and active:


Canes are a popular choice for people who need a little extra support while walking. They come in different shapes and sizes, including adjustable canes with ergonomic handles and foldable canes for easy storage.


Crutches are often used when someone needs to keep weight off one or both legs. They come in different styles, including underarm crutches and forearm crutches, and can be adjusted for height.


Walkers are a common choice for people who need more support than a cane can provide. They typically have four legs and a frame that surrounds the user, providing stability and balance.


Rollators are walkers with wheels on the bottom. They typically have a seat and a storage compartment, making them a good choice for people who need to take breaks while walking.

Knee Scooter

Knee scooters have become popular in recent years. They are a type of mobility device that allows the user to rest one knee on a padded platform while propelling themselves forward with their other foot. They can be used as an alternative to crutches or walkers.

Mobility Scooter

Mobility scooters are a popular choice for people who have difficulty walking long distances. They typically have three or four wheels and can be operated using a joystick or steering wheel.


Wheelchairs are often used by people who have difficulty walking or standing for extended periods. They can be manually propelled or electric, and come in different styles, including manual and power wheelchairs.


While you may not immediately think of stairlifts as a walking aid, it’s something that many people have in their homes to boost their mobility. Stairlifts are a type of mobility aid that allows people to navigate stairs easily and safely. They are typically installed on a rail that runs along the stairs and can be operated using a remote control.

At MED+, we can help you find the right walking aid to help you keep mobile. You can rent or buy mobility aids directly from us. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions about any of our mobility products.

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