Top 5 Benefits of Having An Outdoor Stairlift To Enjoy Your Summer

Thursday, June 20th, 2019, 9:48 pm , Posted by MED +

All people love to get out and enjoy the summer weather. But, for some of us with mobility issues and trouble using the stairs, it can be more challenging to get outside and enjoy a beautiful sunny day. No one wants to spend the day inside when they could be out in the garden, at a local park or enjoying a BBQ with friends and family.

Stair lifts are not just for inside your home. Installing an outdoor stair lift can make it much easier to transition outdoors for individuals who usually have a hard time to do so. Here we take a look at the top benefits of installing an outdoor stair lift so you can enjoy the summer indoors and out.

Where Can You Install Outdoor Stair Lifts?

Outdoor stair lifts are not limited to your front entrance way. Stair lifts can be installed almost anywhere in your home or on your property where you have stairs. You can install them on:

•  Garden steps
•  Balconies
•  Porches
•  Verandas
•  Garages
•  Basements

Benefits Of Having An Outdoor Stair Lift

Installing an outdoor stair lift on your property can change many things about your life. No longer will you feel isolated or feel left out. You can truly enjoy all aspects of your home, inside and out. Here are the top benefits of installing an outdoor stair lift:

Easier Access To Outside

Having greater access is a very important topic for people with mobility issues. Whether you are in a wheelchair, use a cane, or have issues using stairs, an outdoor stair lift can help you get easier access to the outside. This means you can spend more time outdoors during the summer, enjoy your entire property, and not feel like you are stuck inside when everyone else is out enjoying the sunshine.

More Social Interactions and Engagement

An outdoor stair lift makes it easier for you to get in and out of your home. This will make you more likely to get out of the house and not only enjoy the summer weather, but be more willing to attend social events and engage with more people. No longer is it a big ordeal to visit your friends for a coffee or go to your family’s homes for BBQs, birthday parties and other social events. You can make plans to attend outdoor community events, local festivals, and spend more time outside knowing that your outdoor stair lift makes it easier to get out and get back into your home after a day outdoors.

Greater Independence

Having the ability to quickly and safely get in and out of your home provides you with greater independence. It also will give you more confidence in yourself. You’ll be able to leave your home when you want to, not when it’s convenient for others to help you. If you want to go to the grocery store and pick up some items for dinner, you can. If you want to get out of the house and take a stroll around the neighbourhood, you can.

You’ll Be More Active

The simple fact that you can get outside with greater ease will help you be more active. You’ll be more likely to get outside, move around more and get your body moving. This is beneficial for your health and overall wellbeing. As they say, a little fresh air can do you wonders.

Use Them Year Round

Once you install an outdoor stair lift, you can use it all the time, not just during the summer. You’ll be able to access the outdoors and get out of the house any time you want. In this sense, having an outdoor stair lift can truly change your lifestyle and how you choose to live your life.

See Our Stair Lift Products

No two homes are the same and your individual needs are unique. We offer a variety of indoor and outdoor stair lift solutions to help you move around your home with ease. Learn more by exploring our product offerings in greater detail by viewing our full selection of Stair lifts.

Get A Free Estimate For Stair Lift Installation

At MED+ we offer a variety of stair lifts models that can be customized to meet your needs and fit your home. Please give us a call anytime at 416-477-5960 for more information. Contact us to request a free estimate anytime! We look forward to assisting you!

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