Hospital Beds for Home Use – When Should Your Rent vs. Buy

Wednesday, May 16th, 2018, 5:25 am , Posted by MED +

Hospital beds for home use are a great way to provide a loved one with maximum comfort and safety. In many cases, buying or renting a hospital bed for home use is what allows people to stay in the home they love for the long-term.

Whether you are recovering from an injury or hospital stay, have mobility issues or are bed ridden, there is one major decision you will have to make about home hospital beds:

Should you rent or buy hospital beds for home use?

When To Rent Hospital Beds For Home Use

Renting a hospital bed for your home makes sense for the following reasons:

Short term recover

If you are only going to need your hospital bed for a short period of time, it doesn’t make sense financially to purchase a bed. Renting allows you to use the bed for as long as you need it. You can return it once your recover period is complete and move back into your regular bed.

You want to test out the bed before buying

Purchasing a hospital bed for your home can be a big investment. Many of our customers choose to rent a bed to try it out before they choose a long term solution. You may need to try out a couple beds before you find the right one to meet your unique healthcare needs.


As you recover from injury, health issue or hospital stay, your needs can change over time. Rentals provide you with the flexibility to change beds to adjust to your needs as they evolve with your recovery.

Learn about our home healthcare products for rent.

When To Buy Hospital Beds For Home Use

Making the decision to purchase a hospital bed for your home is not one to take lightly. Buying a hospital bed makes sense for the following reasons:

Long Term Recovery

A long term recovery and care need is the most common reason to purchase a hospital bed. If you are going to use a bed for months or even years, then it makes sense financially to buy a bed rather than rent. Many people who choose to live at home rather than long term care facilities choose to purchase home hospital beds. Always consider how long you will need the bed before making a purchase.


If you have unique or acute health care needs, a custom hospital bed may be required. In this case, it usually makes more sense to buy the bed. This allows you to customize to your specific needs and ensuring it provide you with maximum comfort and functionality.

Learn about our hospital bed products.

Not sure if renting or buying is your best option? Contact us today to request a FREE estimate. We’ll happily help you assess your hospital bed options.

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