5 Tips for Keeping Public Spaces Safe & Accessible for Seniors Beyond the Pandemic

Tuesday, May 25th, 2021, 5:59 pm , Posted by MED +

Before the pandemic people took the simple things for granted. Things like going to the park, grocery store or mall. For seniors, these were common places they would frequent regularly. They were social outings that allowed them to get out of the house, meet up with friends for coffee and talk with others.

The lockdowns we have been experiencing throughout the pandemic has really highlighted the importance of public spaces. Seniors, and everyone else, cannot wait to return to a time when you can go out in public more often.

When things do eventually get back to “normal” its important to make safety a priority, not only in terms of taking precautions to reduce the spread of COVID-19, but also to ensure public spaces are accessible. As a business, municipality, public space, and as a community we need to make sure the places we value are accessible for all now and post pandemic.

Here are 5 tips for keeping public spaces safe and accessible for seniors:

Proper Maintenance

It has been well over a year since things were in full swing in public. Some businesses have been open and then closed and then open and closed again. Then there are others who have closed their doors to the public and shut down operations or migrated online. Many organizations have put maintenance on the backburner as a means cut costs. But this can also create accessibility issues for seniors. Even something as simple as a parking lot pothole, crack in the sidewalk or Wheelchair Ramps that have gone unrepaired could seniors in danger of a fall.

Seniors Hour

Restricted and limited business hours have created issues for many seniors, especially if they rely on public transportation to get around. Larger crowds during limited hours, panic buying and closing off areas of your store or property make it more challenging for seniors to get what they need. Many businesses have implemented tactics such as seniors hour and delivery services to ensure they have access to necessary products and services.

Access To Hand Sanitizer

Proper hand washing and sanitization is very important to help curb the spread of COVID. There must be proper access to hand washing and sanitization stations for all, including seniors. So, make sure seniors in Scooters, wheelchairs, and those with mobility issues can still reach and use these stations.

Social Distancing, Floor Plans, And Directions

As the pandemic progressed, social distancing became very important indoors and outdoors. To accommodate this need, companies where required to adjust floor plans, how people line up and move throughout their facilities. In doing so, situations arose where it became more challenging for seniors to move through the stores. Limited space in a grocery aisle made it more difficult for senior to complete their shopping. Or the requirement to stand in line to get into the store because of patron limits is not feasible for many people.

Companies need to give careful thought and consideration for all people. A quick floor plan decision could make it impossible for some of your patrons to use your location. For example, if you change the floor plans and directions for how you want your patrons to move throughout your building, its important for seniors to still have access to ramp and Elevators.

Prioritize Seniors And Others Requiring Assistance

Adaptability has been the key for many organizations to stay afloat during the pandemic. There has been a lot of change to how things are done and how we serve the public. If your customers cannot reach you, do what you can to reach them.

For example, curb side pick of groceries has become a highly effective way for seniors, and all others, to shop for food with minimal contact with other people. It is these types of innovations that have helped seniors and others with mobility issues continue to be able to go out in public, although in a new way.

Using the above tips will put you in a better position to ensure public spaces are safe and accessible for seniors, people with mobility issues and the general public now and into the future.

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